Saturday, November 16, 2013

Model of the Month: Marlena

Lena because people can't seem to pronounce Marlena.  You're officially fired from Marlena if you pronounce it MarLAYna.
When is your Birthday?
02.26 Pisces baby!

Who's your favorite sport's team, and why?
If eating was a sport, my best friends, because we all know how to eat good!

What's your favorite flavor ice cream?
Mmm, ice cream.  My favorite would be vanilla because you can pair it with strawberries and brownies.  Ice cream sandwiches are my favorite. :)

What's your favorite movie quote?
Never thought about that... "Chocolate wasted!" Grown Ups.

Piercings/Tattoos? How many and where?
I have 4 ear piercings, 1 not seen unless I play Miley Cyrus, and a plumeria tattoo located on my left hip.  Will add more tattoos it's just a matter of finding the right artist to connect with.

The most embarrassing song on your iPod?
I don't have embarrassing songs on my iPod, but let's check my stations, nope.  I love all my songs.  But I know someone with N'Sync Holiday station on their Pandora! haha

What is the most memorable pick up line you've heard? Was it effective? Why or why not?
The most memorable, I'd say none.

What's the most dangerous thing you've ever done?
The most dangerous thing I've ever done was do the sky jump at the state fair with my friend Tram.  I was terrified at first and after a few curse words I had the time of my life.  I have a fear of heights, thank goodness I'm itty bitty fun size.

It's 4am after a crazy night of partying… What are we eating??
Marie's Donut!!!  Who doesn't like a whipped cream filled donut?  I know I do and my friend sure knows because I shoved my fur boots in his face until he took me! That was an awesome night I might add.

What is your go-to karaoke song?
Emmie and I love singing Alicia Keys - No One together. :)

What was your first job?
My first job, state fair cashiering for a crepe stand and OMG their chicken salad crepe with romaine lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, avocado and tomato was to die for.  I ate that everyday!
Tell us a joke.
I suck at telling jokes, but everything I find humorous tend to be sexual or someone getting hurt.  I love watching Americas Funniest Home Videos, I literally will laugh so hard even when I'm watching it alone.

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